Ako head shot
Seeking safety in the UK shouldn’t mean destitution.

Last week we launched our campaign with Refugee Survival Trust to stop refugee destitution in Scotland – but we know support isn’t restricted to our offices.  

In fact we believe that no one in Scotland wants to see the kind of suffering people seeking safety in the UK experience when they are refused asylum, unable to return to their country and forced into a life of uncertainty with no support.  

Who is already supporting us?

Our campaign to stop destitution is already enjoying the backing of Amnesty International and Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS). But there’s ample room for more. We want support for our campaign to be widespread and encourage other organisations to sign up to support our petition to end destitution.

What can you do?

Sign the petition, add your logo – it’s simple.

The easiest way you can support our campaign is by adding your name to our online petition to stop destitution –  or if you’re an organisation you can add your name and logo to our website as a show of support.  

Every new name added lends more weight to the campaign and will hopefully compel the government to change the law and end destitution among refused asylum seekers.  But your support for our campaign needn’t end there.   You can help us reach more and more people by:

  • filling in our postcard petition with a message of support,
  • asking your friends, colleagues and members of your organisation to add their names to the petition and
  • spreading our postcard through email, Facebook, Twitter and social media. #stopdestitution

Watch and share our destitution film

Showing our short film is a great way to introduce the campaign to people and help them to understand what it is we are fighting for. The film can be embedded on websites or blogs and the link can be shared online or it can be shown to an audience in person.

Read the report

We want people to get the facts about refugee destitution in Scotland. So, together with British Red Cross and Refugee Survival Trust, we’ve commissioned research from Glasgow Caledonian University’s Scottish Poverty Information Unit. This stark report (PDF) unveils the shocking truth about refugee destitution and it shows people struggling to survive in Scotland.

We want to hear from you – contact us

If you would like to be a part of our campaign, if you want to be listed as a supporter organisation on the website, if you need any materials, including print versions of our petition, or if there’s anything we can do to help you support our campaign, contact us on 0141 248 9799 or email us.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew