Refugee Week

As our Simple Acts programme comes to an end we are delighted to tell you about some other ways you can involve your school in Refugee Week Scotland (18 – 24 June). The perfect way to end your summer term!

Your school can get involved in a number of events…

Hearts Unspoken: Workshops for Higher Drama

18 June, Free Workshop (must be booked in advance),
Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate,

Each workshop will be led by verbatim playwright and director Sam Rowe, exploring the methodology and issues behind his recent production Hearts Unspoken, based on interviews with gay male asylum seekers.

The workshop explores issues of homosexuality around the world, and the often unrelenting persecution homosexuals in some countries face that leads many to seek refuge in the west.

Find out more and book your place

Ignite Theatre: Matinee Theatre Performance for Schools

 21 June, 2pm, Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate

The Trouble with Me, a new play devised by Ignite, explores identity – who we are, what other people think of us and the space in between.

Both pieces are suitable for ages 10+.

Find out more about the event

Flercussion: Concerts for Schools held by Live Music Now

 25 and 26 June, Free (must be booked in advance)

Live Music Now’s flute and percussion duo, Flercussion, will take you on a whirlwind tour of the world, playing music from a variety of folk cultures.

Find out more and book your place

Find out about Live Music now on their website

Refugee Week Scotland Media Awards: for Students interested in Media

Friday 22 June, 6pm (free but ticketed) Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate

Interested in a career in media? This event is sure to give you a few insights!

British Red Cross and Scottish Refugee Council host the annual Refugee Week Media Awards, which highlight exceptional and fair reporting of asylum and refugee issues in the Scottish press.

Find out more about the event and book your ticket

Spirit Photography Project – all pupils of all ages!

This year, as our theme for Refugee Week, we are celebrating Spirit: of our communities; of Scotland; and particularly of those individuals who have faced unimaginable situations, and find themselves here, in a place they call home.

Join us in celebrating Spirit by sending us your pictures and short video clips about what spirit means to you. Add clips and photographs of yourself, friends, family or community to our growing online gallery.

Check out the Spirit website

So get creative and say hello to the summer at Refugee Week Scotland!

Every year we hold a number of events for schools, and funding for these events comes from a variety of places, including Education Institute of Scotland (EIS).

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew