Two smiling girls c. Karen Gordon

Photographer Karen Gordon works with Maryhill Integration Network in Glasgow.  In her blog she shares her experiences with the group through her photos.

I met Rema Sherifi, the development worker at Maryhill Integration Network (MIN), at an Aye Write event about four years ago.  Having read a lot about the war in the former Yugoslavia, I was really interested to meet someone who had lived through it – we quickly struck up a friendship and I started taking pictures for Maryhill Integration Network. 

An organisation doing good work

Over the past four years I have documented most of their activities, making a lot of good friends in the process and enjoying helping an organisation that is doing such great work.

Music and theatre group presents Here I am

Preparing for 'Here I am'Members of the Maryhill Integration Network’s music and theatre production project prepare for and perform Here I am at Danssa Beo in Tramway Theatre.  


Dancers take flightHere I am will be performed at the Tron Theatre as part of Refugee Week Scotland on 25 June at 8pm.


The triple bill is shared with Y Dance, AlbScott and Clan Macondo.Keeping the rhythm

Junior Writer’s Group

The right to dreamMIN’s Junior Writer’s Group at Oakgrove School have contributed to an anthology of writing called ‘The Right to Dream’.  It will be presented at the Scottish Parliment on 22 June.



Find out about MIN’s performance on 25 June for Refugee Week


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew