Lajee Dance

Monday 17th June 11am, Victoria Bar, Tron Theatre, Glasgow

Get a taste of what to expect from Refugee Week Scotland, our week-long festival of arts, theatre and music that celebrates the contribution of refugees to Scotland.

Artists from a Palestinian refugee camp Lajee Dance as well as participants from Scottish Refugee Council and Citizen’s Theatre community project Here We Stay will be performing excerpts from their shows for Refugee Week Scotland.

You’ll be able to meet a variety of individuals from both productions, along with our Suzi Simpson, Arts and Cultural Development Officer for Scottish Refugee Council, who co-ordinates Refugee Week Scotland.

This is a great opportunity for fans of theatre and performance, as well as those passionate about human rights, to grab an intimate exclusive insight for their social media platforms and blogs.

This is the first ever social media call for Refugee Week Scotland, so you can expect a small, friendly and informative get-together of like-minded digital-savvy people.

Come along to experience the different cultures on your own doorstep and celebrate the rich, dynamic diversity of Scotland today.

For more info about what to expect, or to R.S.V.P., please contact Information Officer Keir Harper by email

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew