Photo: Iman Tajik

Events for Refugee Week Scotland were well underway even before the Opening Concert at the Old Fruitmarket. In the afternoon Maryhill Integration Network launched their new community garden and hosted a variety of different activities which celebrated their work in creating a more valuable community.

In a compact space the garden was made to look spectacular with multicoloured bunting immediately enriching the visit of those who had planned to attend the event but also inviting in the locals who were passing by.

The colourful festive decorations were made by the volunteers at the community centre and the teamwork that was involved in putting together the launch was obvious from the friendly and neighbourly atmosphere of the day.

A place for happiness

Mingling with the those attending the event it was obvious that people felt not only welcome but appreciated and valued for their time to learn a little more about the diversity of culture and support that is offered in the Maryhill community.

Speaking to both organisers and visitors it was unmistakeable one of the most definite intentions of the garden launch was give people time to away from their personal problems and offer a few hours of happiness.

Colour and music

 It was the dancing from the AlbScott International Dance Group and the music of the Ayawara Drummers that really seemed to immerse the visitors into the feeling of the event. The colour, movement and sound that became more present with the music and dance groups livened the spirits and added to the creation of the powerful community atmosphere.

What a community can offer

The overwhelming feeling of community and teamwork which was regarded so highly at the garden launch, with one particular guest commenting on how it was so evident that people had a genuine interest in each other’s lives.

The interest in each other ensured that everyone was chatting and participating in the activities and most importantly people left feeling happy and appreciative of what a community can offer – one the main aims of the Refugee Week Scotland!

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew