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Open your eyes to refugee destitution in Scotland.

It’s a full house at the Tron Theatre for the launch of the Stop Destitution campaign by Scottish Refugee Council and Refugee Survival Trust.   

Michelle Lowe from Refugee Survival Trust welcomes us before introducing the mixed panel that includes Gary Christie from Scottish Refugee Council, solicitor Fraser Latta, independent filmmaker Chris Leslie, researcher Morag Gillespie and Michael – a political activists from Zimbabwe – and one of the men featured in the campaign.

Tonight our eyes will be opened to refugee destitution in Scotland.

Stark findings and personal stories of uncertainty

The stark findings revealed by Morag from the research and the stories of destitution shared in Chris Leslie’s short film are shocking.  The desperation of destitution in Scotland is something I am still finding difficult to accept.

In the presentation and in the film, again and again I hear stories of people who have absolutely nothing. People who have sought safety in the UK – and now live in limbo, forced to walk across the city to get bread and instances of women who have to beg for sanitary wear every month.

And just who are these people seeking asylum?  They are like you and me – but with the misfortune of having ‘certain problems in their country’ that have forced to flee all they know because of circumstances out of their control. 

They are educated, articulate, intelligent people who don’t have a bed to sleep in and who know that if they try to earn money to pay for one, they could end up in jail because the UK Government doesn’t allow asylum seeker to work. They are living in limbo.

And when Michael shared his harrowing story of destitution since his asylum claim was refused and he’s been unable to return safely to his country – it’s both poignant and powerful.  “I want to play by the rules” he tells us when talking about his daily struggles to feed himself without access to support or the right to work.   

Stop destitution – sign the petition

For me, the tone of the night is summed by another destitute asylum seeker who, when asked as part of the research what should change about the asylum process, answered “they must bear in mind you are also human beings”.

And she’s absolutely right.  These people are human but are trapped in an inhumane system forcing them into a life of uncertainty with no home, no support and no right to work.

Refugee destitution in Scotland is shocking, shameful and must end.  You can help change the law  forcing people into destitution.  How? It’s simple and easily done – take a minute to sign the petition. And don’t keep it quiet, spread the word and get friends, family and colleagues to sign the petition today.  

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew