Saltcoats – jumping for joy!

Becky Duncan, photographer and Scottish Refugee Council volunteer, 27 August 2012

Splashing in puddles. Watching clouds. Smelling flowers. Enjoying a view. Laughing with friends.

These are a few of the simple pleasures that young participants from the Scottish Guardianship Services project have been enjoying this summer, as part of the Scottish Natural Heritage / Open Aye photography in nature programme.

Snapshots of pleasure

Over 20 young people, from the likes of Somalia, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Vietnam, have been touring Scotland’s parks and nature reserves, to sample life’s simple pleasures and take a snapshot of their views.

The objective was to simply enjoy nature and take photographs to share with others.

Creating memories

We had a great time! We explored some amazing places. We created some lovely memories. And we remembered how beautiful nature can be.

Here are some of the young people’s photographs. We hope to exhibit some of these in a bigger exhibition as part of the wider Simple Pleasures photo project in early 2013. We’ll let you know the plans.

In the meantime, look, imagine, feel and enjoy. And remember to go outside to find your own simple pleasures, sometime soon!

7 Lochs Wetland Reserve.  Feeling grass.

Balloch. Watching the sky.

Bellahouston Park. Feeling flowers in the rain.Luss. Paddling in the water. Adrossan North Beach.  Feeling the sand.

Find out more about SNH and their Simple Pleasure’s campaign

Find out more about the Open Aye project

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew