Indian fashion
Beautiful Indian costume

A truly multicultural day

Amazing costumes worn by models of many cultures sashayed down the aisle of the busy audience. I was visiting the well attended Family Open Day at Garnethill Multicultural Centre. This was a wonderful experience and a true multicultural day. 

Dress costumes included Kosovan bridal wear, Indian party dress and an array of dazzling colours culminating in a bright Sudanese outfit. One brave wee man with his mum, took his place among the ladies modelling in his stride. 

Raising awareness

Entertainment included beautiful Chinese calligraphy and bead work- and varied information was available for people to pick up.

The event was organised by Florence Dioka from Central and West Integration Network to help raise awareness and share experiences.

A presentation about Refugees who have made their lives in Scotland also provided food for thought.  Hearing how peple have overcome all sorts of barriers to build their lives here, including initial isolation, distressing memories, lack of English and the Glasgow weather –  was courageous.

Sharing experiences to inspire others

This also helped others. Raja and Nadia told me, through translation, that knowing about people’s stories shows ‘you’re alone but have support from different nationalities’.  

Steve from Kenya likewise felt that seeing others get ‘through the stress’ after difficult times they’d had experienced as refugees was encouraging.

I left feeling I’d learned a lot and met some fantastic people.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew