Ross McDonald
Ross McDonald

We’re doing a Q&A series with some of the wonderful people across Scotland who are organising events and taking part in challenges to raise funds for our work with refugees.

This week we interviewed Ross McDonald, one of the organisers of The Great Cameo Bake-Off which is taking place at the Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh this Saturday (24 October). The event is raising funds for both Scottish Refugee Council and Doctors Without Borders.

Did you say Bake-Off? We’re listening! Tell us about your fundraiser, Ross.

It is a bake sale inspired by The Great British Bake Off. So we are having film themed showstopper bakes which anyone can enter and will be judged by the local cake shop Lovecrumbs. Then we will also be selling regular cakes, cookies and biscuits made by the staff at Cameo.

Can you put your event into three words?

 Cake. Film. Shenanigans.

Have you organised anything like this before?

No. Personally I haven’t and neither has the Cameo. But we are excited to get everyone involved and planning is going well.

What was your motivation for organising this event?

We wanted to show solidarity during the current refugee crisis and also raise awareness and debate among staff and customers. And of course to financially support two charities which do fantastic work.

Can you give us any hints on what the judges are looking for in the winning bakes?

Taste, texture and aesthetic? But we will leave it up to the judges; perhaps they will think bounciness or animatronics are more important.  

How do you plan to relax to after the fundraiser?

Watch a 90s American high school movie. Probably Heathers or The Craft.

Thanks Ross and everyone involved in The Great Cameo Bake-Off.

If you are organising a fundraiser or doing a challenge to raise funds for Scottish Refugee Council, and would like to be included in one of our blogs, please email our media volunteer Sorcha.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew