PA Chai Nov 2011
Giving up Chai never felt better

Our Protection Appeal has been running for the last few weeks – and we wanted to support it but didn’t want to just simply make a donation. 

So what to do?  And then it came to us.

Safety and warmth are basic human needs that are easy to take for granted but are denied to people who are forced to flee persecution in their home countries who fall into the protection gap. 

Admittedly both of us spend money chasing that feeling of comfort in a hot cup of spicy Chai – without fear, without worry of where we’ll sleep or what our future holds.  We are fortunate.

So for seven days we said goodbye to our favourite cuppa and donated the  £17.25 we would have spent on Chai to Scottish Refugee Council’s Protection Appeal – for those people seeking asylum who don’t have warmth, who are not safe and need our help most.

And you don’t need a Chai get that warm, wonderful feeling.  Supporting the Protection Appeal allows Scottish Refugee Council to move forward with their work to help refugees in Scotland and push for a more humane, fairer asylum system.

Get involved – help refugees get the protection they need

There’s a variety of ways to give to the Protection Appeal – hold a bake sale, dress down day or and you can even donate by texting SRCD11£5 to 70070.  You won’t get charged for sending the text message and your entire donation goes directly to Scottish Refugee Council. 

Or like us – you can give up your favourite treat and donate the money to our Protection Appeal.  Importantly every little bit makes a difference.  Your support helps Scottish Refugee Council to continue their work to help refugees in Scotland get the protection they so desperately need and deserve.  

And remember to share what you’re doing with us via video, photos, blogs, emails

We did it! 

Watch our video to find out how we saved and donate!

Watch our video

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew