Simple Acts

Simple Acts is a national campaign to inspire people through using small everyday actions to change our perceptions on refugees and asylum seekers.  There are many exciting simple acts you can do. 

Your school can get involved

Next month I will be hosting GLOW meets and inviting school pupils and teachers from Scotland to join too!  As well as taking part in the GLOW meets you can also contribute to the campaign through your own Simple Acts.

On Wednesday May 1, Simple Acts Quiz will go online –how much do you know about refugees and asylum seekers? On the same day, I will host Share a Story (for P1 – P5) and invite you to come and listen to a story from another country and learn a little bit more about that country too.

The next week on May 8, I will host a ‘Show and Tell’ with objects from different countries and share the stories of heritage prompted by the objects.

Finally on Wednesday May 29, we will get our aprons on to Cook a Dish From Another Country. You can cook along live or watch the recording too.


For more information see the Simple Acts 2013 Teacher Pack, or email our Arts and Cultural Development Officer Suzie.


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew