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Request a speaker for your next event

Regular followers of our blog will know that we are not shy when it comes to talking about our work.

Indeed, the staff and volunteers at Scottish Refugee Council are keen to discuss our work, services and highlight what we contribute to the refugee and broader community.

As part of our drive to bring the issues faced by refugees (particularly destitution) to the fore we’re now providing an Invite a Speaker service.

Learn about refugees from refugees

We’re working to create a skilled team of refugee speakers.  In addition to providing insight into the issues refugees face, our speakers will increase their confidence, build public speaking skills and improve their employability.  And, of course, teach you a lot.

Invite us along

If you or your organisation are organising an event and you want:

  • a first-hand perspective on the asylum process;
  • an articulate voice speaking on the work of Scottish Refugee Council, and
  • a compelling case for why people at your event should support our campaign to Stop Destitution then invite one of us along.

Email us or phone Jamie McIntosh on 0141 223 7921 to discuss your event and find out how we may be able to help.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew