Hoops up
Swinging into action at our staff and volunteer conference

A fundraiser’s life is always varied.  It’s full of highs and lows, surprises and challenges – my first six months at Scottish Refugee Council have been no exception. 

Earlier this month we held our annual staff and volunteer conference.   Our staff and volunteers represent years and years of experience and knowledge in supporting refugees and asylum seekers – and our annual conference provides a great opportunity for everyone to get together to share this valuable knowledge, reflect on our work and look to the future. 

What makes Scottish Refugee Council unique?

The theme of our conference this year was ‘What makes Scottish Refugee Council unique?’    Posed with this question, the room was filled with a buzz of ideas and discussion. 

So what does make us unique and what common theme unites every single person in the room together? 

Our passion, conviction and resolve to stand up for the protection refugees and people seeking asylum in Scotland need.  I’m extremely proud to be part of a charity which strongly believes in making Scotland a welcoming place for those in need.    Shortly we’ll be launching our new fundraising appeal, which is centred on this very belief, keep any eye on our website for further information shortly!

Inspiring ideas and swinging into action

The day inspired a lot of creative, useful ideas about taking our work forward. So where do hula hoops come into this you wonder?  In recognising the diverse talents within the charity, the day was rounded off with some activities lead by our staff and volunteers themselves.  I decided it would be a great opportunity to showcase my hula hooping skills and encourage some of my colleagues to take up this latest fitness craze.  I did say a fundraiser’s life is varied!

Being a fundraiser and never one to miss an opportunity, our hula hoops, which are all still in top condition, are for sale.  If you’re in the area and fancy buying a hula hoop, pop by or get in contact – we have a small selection of hoops for sale for the suggested donation of £2 with all proceeds going towards our work. 

Free to give as you live

Speaking of things for sale,  did you know by doing you online shopping through Give as You Live, you’ll be able to donate up to 5 per cent of your purchase value to Scottish Refugee Council. 

Give as You Live is a new online retail store including stores such as Marks and Spencers, Play.com, Boots and Sainsburys.  It’s really easy to use and it doesn’t cost you any more money to make a donation.  Sign up and discover how you can turn your purchase into a donation to support the lives of refugees in Scotland.  

Thanks to STV

To round off last week I had the great pleasure in being presented with a cheque for £1000 from STV.  This donation was gratefully received as a thank you from STV for the help we provided them with for their One in Four programme, highlighting child poverty in Scotland. 

The programme featured a refugee from Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominique Mutiba, who kindly shared his family’s experience in establishing their new life in Scotland.  

Inspirational courage

I’m always amazed at the sheer resilience and courage of the people seeking asylum that we have worked with.  It’s this determination and courage that I keep in my mind; it reminds me of the importance of what I do.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew