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Philanthrobeats – music with a cause

We’re very big on inclusion here at Scottish Refugee Council.  It is something that’s ingrained in the heart of what we do – and we welcome people of all backgrounds and organisations of all kinds to support our work.

Often, as well as being the most effective means to working towards a better, fairer asylum process for refugees, this inclusion is an end in itself.   It demonstrates how much we all have in common, regardless of our personal backgrounds, interests or associations. Philanthrobeats’ support of our campaign to stop refugee destitution is a particularly good example of this. 

Support from all ages and all walks of life

Our campaign has enjoyed the support of several groups in its short life so far. Amnesty International, Justice and Peace Scotland and several church groups are just some of the many lending their support (and logos) to the campaign.  And we’re pleased to add the support of the Glasgow-based non-profit club night Philanthrobeats.

You might not naturally assume that a group of DJs who enjoy playing particularly thunderous tunes would be supporters of our stop destitution campaign.  But you’d be wrong.

Philanthrobeats is a group of volunteers who produce, promote and organise club nights whose profits are then donated to good causes. Since they started earlier this year their nights have featured big names such as Mia Dora and Optimo (if you’re into your techno).  

They have raised thousands of pounds for Doctors Without Borders and Once Upon a Smile among others.  And they’re now turning their attention to our stop destitution campaign.  

Join us on 15 November and sign the petition

On Thursday 15 November join revellers at Chambre 69 for the Philanthrobeats club nights in Glasgow – proceeds go towards the work of Scottish Refugee Council. 

In addition to soaking up the sound and showing off your best moves, take a second to sign the stop destitution petition postcard that will be on hand.  It literally takes 30 seconds to sign and well help boost the numbers of signatures that will be submitted to the UK Immigration Minister asking to change the law forcing people seeking asylum into destitution.  

And don’t keep it to yourself – spread the word about this important campaign on email, Facebook and Twitter – #stopdestitution.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew