girl s up volunteer istock

Are you an asylum seeker or a refugee who is interested in volunteering in a voluntary organisation in Glasgow?

Then why not attend our upcoming volunteering information session this Thursday 19 January to find out about opportunities.  This information session is open to all asylum seekers and refugees, regardless of what your status is and is a great way to find out about opportunities and network in a social, friendly setting.  

Sharing experiences, highlighting opportunities

Our first volunteer information session was well attended and included two guest contributors: Alistair Malloy from the Glasgow Volunteer Centre and Alanna Burns, volunteer coordinator at St Mungo’s Museum, who is a former volunteer at Scottish Refugee Council.

Alistair talked about the difference volunteering can make in people’s life, highlighted current opportunities and showed how to use the Volunteer Centre website.  It was also an opportunity to share details and network – and in fact the Glasgow Volunteer Centre is currently promoting one of our attendee’s details on their website; check out Mohamed’s (an IT specialist) profile.

Alanna spoke about her own experience volunteering and highlighted opportunities at St Mungo’s – where they are keen to welcome people from the asylum seeking community and a diversity of backgrounds.  Future opportunities with St Mungo’s will also be highlighted at our future events.

Join us on 19 January – sign up now

Our volunteer Nadia Jahan, is organising our information session for 19 January.  And if you missed Alistair Malloy of the Glasgow Volunteer Centre the last time, he’s back to talk to attendees individually about their volunteering interests.

So what are you waiting for – sign up.  Please note that attendance is by registration only. If you would like to attend, email us or Nadia or call us on 0141 248 9799.

Location: Scottish Refugee Council, 5 Cadogan Square, Glasgow, G2 7PH

Date: 19 January 2012, Thursday

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Hope to see you there!

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew