man wearing volunteer t-shirt

Since you’re all going to be hearing a lot from me on here, I think it would be a good idea for me to introduce myself.  My name is Martin, I’m a final year politics student and I am the new Blog Coordination Volunteer.

I have written before. I’ve done a few pieces for Amnesty International blogs and I have had pieces in student media but this is my first regular blog. So you might have to bear with me for a while, although I don’t think I will be struggling for material any time soon.

Putting our work and refugee front and centre

I am really excited to join Scottish Refugee Council; the work that we do goes a massive way toward helping some of the most vulnerable people in Scotland.

I think that our work is often overlooked, and hopefully I can draw a bit more attention to it by blogging. I have a few of my own ideas that I am hoping to cover, and Trish has already got me on the first of many assignments, but I am really interested in the stories that we don’t know about yet.

Get in touch

So if you have a story about or an angle on the asylum process and you think it deserves some space on here, please let me know. My shiny new email is:, and I would love to hear from you.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew