Mette Nielsen
Mette Nielsen – also fond of scarfs.

I’m new here – and as the person behind Scottish Refugee Council’s digital presence, I’ve been asked to introduce myself.

It’s all still all pretty exciting. In fact, right now it feels like nothing could be more exciting to me than to take on the role as Digital Communications and Information Officer at Scottish Refugee Council ( though one of my first tasks surely must be to find an acronym for that very long title)!

The digital world is constantly expanding, and a great part of my role is to ensure the presence and promote of our organisation on the web.

I will be editing this website, blogging and posting on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It is also my job to keep all client information updated and accessible. And these are just some of the challenges I’m looking forward to taking on.

Human rights background

Little more than a year ago I moved to Scotland from my home country of Denmark to finish my degree in journalism. I was only meant to stay for one exchange term.

One term turned into two, and after graduating in April this year, I decided to stay in Scotland.

But though recently graduated I have spent the past few years working specifically with human rights journalism from countries such as Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Iran, Rwanda, Scotland and Denmark for the Danish newspaper Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

Coming home

Human Rights are what matters to me, as I have never been able to accept unfair treatment of any human being.

This is why Scottish Refugee Council is feel like home to me.

Here I can help people whose human rights have been severely violated. For me, that’s a great honour.

New goals

What I want to do through our website and social media presence is simplify and focus our digital efforts – making the complicated matters we deal with easy to understand for everyone. 

I want to expand and engage our communities on Facebook and Twitter, and I am planning to keep an eye out for new trends and sites. Do tweet me if you see something I might want to know about!

Last but not least I want to make sure that everyone receives correct and updated information, whether they find it online or in our many leaflets. After all, information is power.

Bring it on!

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew