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Campaigns and appeals
Flight, plight, refuge, and rest

Our Ambassador Alison Phipps gives her review of BBC folk singer of the year Karine Polwart’s new album ‘Laws of Motion’.

Learning boost for young refugees

Unique course will help unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people improve education and personal and social development.

Working with communities across Scotland to welcome and support New Scots

An ambitious new project will support refugees and communities across Scotland rebuild their lives here.

Supporting Syrian families in Dundee

Scottish Refugee Council to work with partners in Dundee to help New Scots settle and achieve their hopes for life in Scotland

New report examines barriers to integration across the UK

Report by Scottish Refugee Council, UNHCR and the British Refugee Council highlights the obstacles people face

New report examines barriers to integration across the UK

Report by Scottish Refugee Council, UNHCR and the British Refugee Council highlights the obstacles people face

Campaigns and appeals
Laughter as Hospitality

Reflections on a beautiful friendship that taught dignity, hospitality and laughter are intimately related.

New UK asylum figures show decrease in number of people seeking protection here

Decrease a result of increasing barriers and restrictions and lack of safe and legal routes

Jeremy Corbyn pledges to bring asylum accommodation back into public sector

Scottish Refugee Council and refugee support groups ask Labour leader to push for an end to Serco lock change evictions

Free legal advice for Serco tenants at risk of eviction

Refugee charities working with housing and immigration lawyers to provide much needed advice and support

Serco pause evictions as court proceedings initiated

Pause is welcome but a long term sustainable solution is desperately needed

Campaigns and appeals
Asylum Rights Campaigner to Help Kick-Start Right to Work Campaign in Scotland

Q&A with campaigner and MASI founder Lucky Khambule ahead of his Right to Work campaign workshop in Glasgow this Sunday

Asylum Seekers to be Locked Out of Homes

We are dismayed and concerned by Serco sudden and unexpected announcement.

Supporting Syrian families in Dundee

Scottish Refugee Council to work with partners in Dundee to help New Scots settle and achieve ambitions

Refugee Festival Scotland Media Award winners announced

Full list of winners of 2018 Refugee Festival Scotland Media Awards

Honouring World Refugee Day 2018

Our CEO Sabir Zazai reflects on the courage and strength it takes to escape a war zone and build a new life in a foreign country
