female volunteer giving thumbs up
Gain skills while giving something back

Is volunteering important to you? Perhaps you volunteered somewhere this last year and it’s had a profound effect on you – you met people you wouldn’t otherwise have met, you had the privilege of helping someone vulnerable, you learned new things or you just plain had fun.

If any of the above rings true, Volunteer Glasgow wants to hear about it. You now have the chance to nominate the volunteering project you took part in for an Alistair Malloy Inspire Award.

This inaugural award, which will be held for the first time this year on the 8th of June at Glasgow City Chambers, aims to recognise and reward excellence in volunteering programmes in Glasgow. There are  three categories:

  •     Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
  •     Innovation
  •     Best Newcomer

Have a look at the Volunteer Glasgow website for further details of each category, and for a nomination form.

Remembering Alistair Malloy

I know many of you out there will want to be involved in this inaugural event because you had the pleasure of knowing Alistair Malloy himself, who sadly passed away a year ago. Many of us at Scottish Refugee Council knew Alistair for several years and were lucky enough to have volunteered and worked with him. Working with refugees and those seeking asylum was one of Alistair’s passions, and his loss is still keenly felt in our communities.

In his role at Volunteer Glasgow, Alistair assisted countless individuals in their search for volunteering opportunities, as well as supporting many organisations, including Scottish Refugee Council, in setting up and improving their approach to involving volunteers. He is remembered with gratitude and affection, and the inaugural Alistair Malloy Inspire Awards is an expression of these sentiments.

Make your nomination by the 15th of May

The nomination process is simple – submit your nomination on the Volunteer Glasgow website, and explain in 150 words why you would like to nominate your chosen volunteering programme for one of the three awards categories, and email (or post) it to Volunteer Glasgow by the 15th of May.

Nominations can be submitted by individuals and by organisations.

The nomination process is simple and quick, but the deadline is tight – so do it now. It’s a great opportunity to nominate a volunteering project that may have improved your life and inspired you, as well as honouring the memory of an exceptionally inspiring, much-missed individual.

The Alistair Malloy Inspire Awards Ceremony on the 8th of June is included in the Refugee Festival Scotland line up this year, listed on p.27 of the programme in the Workshops and Participation section.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew