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  • Chris Afuakwah


Changes to the asylum process and resettlement during Covid-19.

As a result of the current public health crisis, daily changes are being made to...

Important service update

To help protect the health of everyone in our community we are temporarily changing the...

Joint letter : policy recommendations to protect destitute people during Covid-19.

We joined over 60 organisations across the UK in writing to the Prime Minister with...

Ensuring safety and rights of our communities during Covid-19

Like everyone else we are trying our best to come to terms with the situation...

Hamid’s story

From lock-change eviction notice to refugee protection. When Serco began issuing lock change notices, Hamid...

A Site of Resistance: evaluating the Stop Lock Change Evictions coalition

Today, we are launching a report evaluating the #StopLockChangeEvictions campaign. “A Site of Resistance”, written...

MPs launch fresh bid for right to work

Today, MPs have launched a fresh legal bid to lift the ban on right to...

Community groups: apply now for Small Grants Scheme 2020!

Are you a community group led by people from a refugee background? OR a community...

Never again

Today is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Lord Dubs, a Holocaust survivor,...

Children must have the #RightToReunite with their families

Children must have the #RightToReunite with their families. To take this away would be barbaric,...