group of smiling people one off donation

What a year 2011 has been for Scottish Refugee Council.  Since I joined the charity in May I’ve been completely struck by the dedication and commitment of our staff, volunteers, supporters and members. 

We waved a farewell to 2011 with the launch of our first major fundraising appeal in December – our Protection Appeal, raising funds to ensure those who have fled from situations of war, persecution and fear receive the protection they need. 

A huge thanks for your support

The response to our Appeal once again highlights the sheer generosity and commitment of not only our supporters but of individuals and organisations across Scotland and beyond who have donated and helped raise vital funds.  I speak for everyone here at Scottish Refugee Council when I say a big thank you to everyone who has contributed. 

The challenge – help us hit our £20,000 goal by
31 January

Donations of all sizes made to our Protection Appeal have raised just over £13,500 so far.  We are within touching distance of reaching our target of £20,000 by the end of January 2012.  Whatever your reason for deciding to support our Appeal, your donation means we can help people seeking asylum get the protection they need. 

So please donate today and help us spread the word by encouraging as many of your friends, family and colleagues to do the same.

Why support our Appeal – many reasons

I recently had the pleasure of speaking to a couple who shared their reasons for donating to our Appeal.  She explained My husband and I decided to support Scottish Refugee Council’s Protection Appeal because we believe no one should be left destitute because of a government decision.” 

Another supporter Elizabeth Barrett, Director of Kildonan Associates Limited, in Perth said, “I have a number of close friends who work directly with refugees and people seeking asylum and know just how important the work of Scottish Refugee Council is in helping those who have been forced to flee their own country to seek sanctuary.

My company, Kildonan Associates Limited, donates a significant percentage of profits to charities each year, and chose the Scottish Refugee Council’s Protection Appeal as our special charity this Christmas.  After all Jesus was a refugee and I think it’s important to help those in desperate need.”

Giving by example

And here at Scottish Refugee Council we came up with our own novel ways to raise those vital pounds towards our Appeal.  We held our very own Pot Luck Lunch and two of my colleagues even gave up their beloved Spiced Chai for a week and donated what they would normally spend to the Protection Appeal. 

Make 2012 a year of hope

With your help 2012 will be a year full of hope and ambition as we seek to build a better future with refugees in Scotland.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew