Photo: Jenny Wicks

For the past decade, Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) has provided homes to hundreds of refugees seeking sanctuary in Glasgow.

Our staff across the city work hard to meet the needs of refugee customers – providing good quality affordable housing as well as offering services such as welfare benefits and fuel advice, education bursaries, grants to community organisations and business start-up grants.

What’s on

In 2013 GHA is proud to sponsor Refugee Week Scotland for the second year and to support two community events – The Big Lunch in Kennishead on 15 June and Home From Home in Knightswood on 18 June.

We are also organising an event in Royston called Glasgow’s Housing Heritage on 20 June at Roystonhill Recreation Centre. GHA residents will share their stories about their housing heritage and we’ll hear about GHA’s history, how GHA’s neighbourhoods have been affected by the asylum dispersal programme and about our on-going work to promote integration. The event will also feature music from refugee musicians.


In the months ahead we’ll be working with colleagues from the Scottish Refugee Council on a new Heritage Lottery Funded project called ‘A View From Here’.

This project will explore the unique and changing heritage of housing in Glasgow through the different and shared experiences of asylum seekers, refugees and local Scots drawn from past and present residents of high-rise flats in different areas of Glasgow. We believe this is an exciting opportunity for our tenants living in the communities involved and will support them to participate in the project.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew