What’s happening in Edinburgh during RFS 2017

Refugee Festival Scotland celebrates the richness and diversity of Scotland’s communities. It offers people from different backgrounds the chance to get to know each other better, to sample a little of each other’s cultures, listen to each other’s stories and discover what we have in common.

During RFS, Edinburgh is a hub of cultural activity, and this year the city’s festival programme is filled with events to connect local and refugee communities through music, dance, language and art.


Visual Arts | 19 – 23 June

In celebration of Refugee Festival Scotland 2017, Interfaith Scotland, Scottish Refugee Council, Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees & Mental Health Foundation are co-hosting ‘The Art of Connection’, sponsored by Bill Kidd MSP. The exhibition of refugee portraits by Hannah Rose Thomas will be on display in The Scottish Parliament building on 21 June. Hear and see how Hannah connected through her art with refugees in Jordan and Calais. Connect with the Mental Health Foundation’s Refugee Programme and explore how you and your community can more deeply connect with the global refugee crisis.

 Advanced booking essential: admin@interfaithscotland.org 


Language | 26 June

The Welcoming are holding a special edition Arabic Café on 26 June.  Visit The Welcoming hub to learn Arabic phrases, enjoy delicious snacks, good music, and meet people from around the world to celebrate language and the contribution of newcomers to Scotland.

Buy tickets on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/arabic-cafe-at-the-welcoming-tickets-34289584069

Language | 30 June

Join Bilingualism Matters at the University of Edinburgh to explore the latest findings on bilingualism and how it relates to the resettlement of refugees.  The team will present a talk on maintaining the home language in a new homeland, followed by a question and answer session and activities for members of the community and other organisations to bring ideas together.

Free.  Book on Eventbrite: http://edin.ac/2qmJ2xV

Dance | 1 July

Edinburgh City of Sanctuary and Ceilidh Connections are getting together for a special ceilidh to celebrate the many people, places and organisations that make Edinburgh a welcoming city for people seeking sanctuary. A family-friendly evening with shared food, followed by dancing and music from diverse community groups – not to be missed!


Join us in Edinburgh and across Scotland to connect with refugees this festival.

For more information visit refugeefestivalscotland.co.uk or contact festival@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk / 0141 248 9799

See you there!

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew