Seeds if thought cabaret
Tawona and Ernest – the Zimbabweegies

I spent my Saturday night being transported into the throws of Zimbabwean culture with brothersTawona and Ernest Sithole – who treated us to a night of urban poetry, traditional music and genuine celebration.  In the spirit of getting together and celebrating the brothers led the audience in chanting the traditional expression of celebration – Hirkhani!

A night to remember

Oozing spontaneity the evening was one to be remembered!  To welcome everyone Tawona and Ernest came into the audience to greet us and gave out percussion instruments and pieces of jewellery. “It’s not what you gather but what you scatter.”

Tawona and Ernest Sithole – the Zimbabweegies

Throughout the evening Tawona shared some of his poetry; his contemplative, witty style provides a powerful medium for social commentary. His poems included; ‘Fountain of the plain’, ‘Good English’ and ‘Recycling’.

The two brothers played the mbira (traditional Zimbabwean music instrument.) The instruments they used were had been protected and handed down through five generations of their family, including a time when the mbira was banned in Zimbabwe. The spirit of the instruments is gathering together in positive spirit and they certainly had that effect on Saturday night! Tawona and Ernest’s happiness and positivity was infectious and the whole audience was caught up in it, becoming the percussionists and calling out “Hirkhani” in the moment of celebration.

Coming together in celebration

In the spirit of togetherness and celebration the audience were invited to take part. Several brave people took to the stage to share their own poetry, story or thought for the day. It was fantastic that so many people felt inspired to share with each other.

The Seeds of Thought cabaret was a fantastic way to finish off a week of positive celebration. If you missed this event you can catch Seeds of Thought at their monthly event in the CCA, Glasgow – check out their website for the next date and what else their up to!

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew