Vickie running day 3
3 10ks done – still smiling.

Who knew running could make your elbows hurt? Not me! But I know that now.

Elbows, knees and thighs are the worst hit areas after running 30 kilometres in the past three days. Aching joints and muscles makes it sound like quite an awful experience but, actually, I’m quite enjoying it!

West End to Glasgow Green and beyond…

  • Monday began with a 10km run around the West End of Glasgow with my pal Helen waiting at the end with a lovely cold bottle of water;
  • Tuesday’s 10km led me from Festival Park to Glasgow Green (it was slightly disheartening when I arrived at Glasgow Green after only 6km and had to go round and round the park for what felt like an eternity); and
  •  yesterday, accompanied by my friend Belinda, the 10km from Maryhill to Scotstoun Stadium flew by and we were soon cheered over the finish line by the excellent Ishbel, Tommy and Olly. What a great few days!

Friends have laced up their trainers in support too.When I set out on this challenge I didn’t really expect I’d be having such a nice time. After thinking why this might be, I have decided that there are two things aiding my enjoyment:

  1. An incredible amount of support from friends, family, colleagues and strangers. People have given generously to the fundraising pot, they’ve fed me, they’ve cheered, they’ve ran, they’ve tweeted, ‘liked’ and texted – I feel like a member of a glorious team and that’s making the running a whole lot easier. Thank you.
  2. The money I’m raising from running is enabling a group of fantastic women to take part in a project where they can tell people about Glasgow’s history and culture, share some of their personal experiences of creating a new life in the city and raise awareness of issues facing asylum seekers and refugees living in Scotland. This makes the runs feel unquestionably worthwhile which provides me with all the motivation I need.  

So with a bubbling enthusiasm I continue the challenge. Only 40km to go – bring it on!

My Glasgow: Walking Tours will take place throughout Refugee Week Scotland 2012. More information will be on the website soon!

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew