Sheila Cyclist 2015
Sheila’s wheels

Sheila Talman has set herself quite a challenge this year: cycle 665km by World Refugee Day! But even challenges aren’t without, well, challenges! Sheila tells us more.

Blog by Sheila Talman

After witnessing lots of amazing runners taking part in the Run for Refugees challenge to raise funds for Scottish Refugee Council last summer, I was motivated to do something too. But I don’t run! And I certainly couldn’t think of a snappy title like Run for Refugees.

I’d wanted to get back on my bike for ages, so I’ve committed to cycling 665km by World Refugee Day on 20 June. Why 665km? That’s the distance between Glasgow to Croydon, the place where people need to go to claim asylum.  

So, I started my cycle challenge last September when the weather was still glorious as can be seen from my photo. I need to average about 17km (10 miles) a week most weeks to hit my goal by World Refugee Day. That’s ok if everything goes to plan, but on one of my first cycles I got a flat tyre and had to walk home. Unfortunately, the walk didn’t count towards my 665km.

This challenge has also widened my cycling horizons, with me sometimes taking the train to a new cycle path. I’ve had a few adventures along the way and I’m gaining much more than I expected from it. The secret seems to have been choosing a do-able challenge, to have flexibility, and lots of time to ask people to sponsor me.

I have been greatly encouraged by the interest and support from people at my church, Pilates and yoga classes, and from friends and relatives prepared to cycle with me. (Thank you Iain, Fiona, Jenny, Kay, Emma, and others who have promised to accompany me as the weather improves!)

​There has been lots of awareness-raising alongside the fundraising for Scottish Refugee Council. It’s given me the chance to explain to family and friends more about the challenges faced by vulnerable people who are going through very challenging times in their lives.

So whether you set yourself a challenge this year, or choose to sponsor mine, remember to support Scottish Refugee Council in the amazing work they continue to do in difficult economic times to welcome and support asylum seekers and refugees trying to make Scotland their home.

You can sponsor Sheila online or send a cheque made out to “Scottish Refugee Council” with “Sheila’s Wheels” marked on the back of your cheque. Cheques should be sent to: 5 Cadogan Square, (170 Blythswood Court), Glasgow, G2 7PH.

If you have a fundraising idea or want to find out more about fundraising for Scottish Refugee Council, contact our fundraising team who will be happy to help. Email: or call Kirsty White on 0141 223 7921.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew