Spirit Project Shot
Revealing the enriched Spirit residing within Scotland

Spirit. It’s one of those confusing words in the English language that has multiple meanings.

When I heard the theme for this year’s Refugee Week was Spirit, I confess I had to think about it a bit. Quickly deciding that it probably didn’t refer to ghosts or inebriation, I realised  the Spirit of Refugee Week is about an energy, a consciousness, a beautiful thing we all have that helps us see clearly and do the right thing. That’s Spirit.

Celebrating the spirit of refugees in Scotland through photos

And so it was with great pleasure that I began helping with the Spirit Photography Project for this year’s Refugee Week Scotland. The project involves eight very talented people from all over the world: Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Pakistan.  

Together the Spirit team have been working with Iseult from Streetlevel Photoworks, to create a photographic body of work that celebrates the Spirit of refugees in Scotland today.

Learning, sharing and inspiring

The talented team quickly picked up camera techniques, interview skills and the ability to put their subjects at ease.  Gorgeous portraits of families, communities, events and occasions ensued.   We’ve heard stories, shared inspirations and smiled a lot.

The Spirit team have created a beautiful thing. They’ve shown the enriched spirit residing within Scotland. It is right that we document this, that we celebrate this – and that we do so together.

You can get involved!   

We want to know what the Spirit of community means to you.   You can add your voice to our project and share your thoughts by submitting a video.  Find out how on our Spirit Website

And see how our talented photographers are getting on with the project on the site and be sure to mark 7 June in your calendar when we’ll be revealing the Spirit photos at an exhibition at Trongate 103.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew