Courage c.Angela Catlin
Rosa and Christian feature in Courage, our Refugee Week film

Rosa and Christian have shown courage. In less than 120 seconds, this film says everything about why helping refugees is one of the greatest things we do. Please watch, and share it. 

Estimates say our population is around 62 million people. In 2010 around 22,000 people, including children, applied for asylum in the UK. Much fewer than half will eventually be granted refugee status. It’s not many. But each one is a life saved from situations most of us could never imagine.

Proud to provide safety and refuge 60 years on

60 years since Britain signed up to the Refugee Convention, we should be very proud that we provide safety to people – albeit a very small number in the global scheme of things – fleeing persecution, torture and death.

Courage comes in many forms. The courage of refugees to escape, to arrive in a new country (and try to live initially on £35 per week), and to become part of their new community. It takes courage to rebuild their lives, always knowing just what they have escaped, and that others weren’t so lucky.

The courage to improve the lives of others

The courage of those who work with the most vulnerable. Professionals and volunteers, night and day, and in the face of budget cuts that rise above 50 per cent – in fact, some are total. The government will no longer fund refugee integration services from September 2011. The consequences are obvious. People across the voluntary and community groups, councils, the NHS and others will all undoubtedly show their courage and do what they can to help the most vulnerable people. People like Rosa and Christian who will go on to bring so much to the country they settle in.

And, yes, even politicians have shown courage. Policy-makers who recognised that we can, and should, offer sanctuary to those who have nowhere else to go and who face the very worse.

Show courage – watch and share this film!

Can we all show just a little courage?  Please send the link for this film to other people – including those whose views are different on the subject of refugees, or those who maybe don’t understand just why it is so vital that we offer sanctuary to people who need it most.

It’s just two minutes’ viewing which shows refugees’ courage, and why we should support it.


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew