Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam

On March 16th 2018 MPs at Westminster will vote on a Private Members Bill to make it more straightforward for refugee families in the UK to reunite with family members. 

Current immigration rules leave many people isolated, with families and especially children, separated and unable to reunite with loved ones. This needlessly harsh system causes unnecessary suffering and anxiety which only makes it harder for refugees to integrate into a new society. 

We want to see a change in the rules to make it easier for families to be reunited and to be able to go on and thrive together. 

You can help

We want to get as many MPs as possible to vote in support of the Bill to give it the best chance of succeeding. 

Please write to your MP to ask them to vote in support for the Bill.  

Our friends at Oxfam have made this easier by drafting a template letter for MPs. All you have to do is add your name and postcode so it goes straight to your Westminster constituency MP. 

Write to your MP here

Please join us in this quick, effective action. We can all play a part in changing the way the UK treats refugee children and families. 

Read more about how tough it is for families who are separated and how much difference this change in the law could make to people’s lives here.





Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew