Anti Racism March

This Saturday (21 March) is the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. People across the world will unite to stand up to racism and fascism. And Scotland is joining them by hosting a national demonstration in Glasgow.

The Stand up to Racism and Fascism march will leave from George Square at 11am (assembling from 10.30am) followed by a rally. There will also be a range of stalls and speakers, including one of our own team at Scottish Refugee Council. The demonstration will be nothing less than an incredible display of solidarity.

You can find out more details on Facebook as well as Twitter using the hashtag #M21Scot or #M21.

A chance to be heard

With a rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia across Europe and with immigrants and asylum seekers increasingly scapegoated by right-wing media and politicians, now is most definitely the time to stand up to racism.

In volatile times it becomes so much more important to make our voices heard and speak out against stereotyping and scapegoating. The spectre of racism or fascism must never be allowed to rise over Europe again and only by being vigilant against it will we ensure that it never does.


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew