eggs and bread c. Jenny Wicks
Cheese sandwich swapped for spicy delights

Ross Wilson swaps his cheese sandwich for spicy delights and interesting accounts at the Swapping Stories event.

What a gorgeous and sunny day to experience my first Refugee Week event.  Attending the Swapping Stories Writing Group community celebration held in the Knightswood Community Centre was a fantastic experience.  Coupled with the 60th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention, I could not have hoped for a more insightful and heart rendering encounter. 

Refugee stories of courage

Observing the written displays of work from the Swapping Stories asylum seeker and refugee group, allowed me to experience an eyes- wide-open appreciation of the stories that asylum seekers and refugees have to tell.  Stories of courage which underpins the key message of Refugee Week, permitted me to put myself in the shoes of those seeking refuge, to escape persecution and cultivate their life in a new country. 

My ears were actively listening to the diverse assortment of accents, dialect and language being interpreted and translated for the writers from the Federation of Writers Scotland and Scottish PEN.  The writers were outstanding in bringing new stories to life from discussions that were taking place all around me. 

Parents and children were present, which highlighted the importance of the stories being told.  As future generations will understand through the telling of stories the courage that was fostered to begin their journey as a refugee.

A great start to a wonderful week of events

The fantastic event was rounded off by my normal lunch of a cheese sandwich being swapped for a concoction of spiced vegetables, rice and delicious breads.  Bring on the Refugee Week events!  What an introduction!  I can’t wait to experience more!


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew