Mohammed having his face painted

The joys of experiencing Refugee Week

My first foray into Refugee Week Scotland events began just as any typical day in Glasgow: gray and rainy. Of course, it was just enough rain that my hair frizzed to three or four times the size it should be, but not enough to warrant an umbrella, which was good enough because as per usual, I had forgotten mine.

But, upon entering the Cranhill Community Centre for the Community Event “Taking Action in Spite of Fear”, my ineffective annoyance at the weather and concern for hair days immediately evaporated.  

A tangible sense of community

The atmosphere was beautifully loud with children laughing – my spirits were brightened by the joy and almost tangible sense of community. My favourite experience was a twenty-something man laughing as his friend of the same age as he had his face painted with a beach scene.  Despite my coaxing, the first man would not have his face painted in solidarity. Oh well. 

Refugee Week Scotland – so much to see and do!

Nevertheless, I am crazy excited for the rest of Refugee Week and all the great events that will be taking place!   I honestly wish I could split myself in half (or better yet, obtain a time travel Time Turner a la Harry Potter!!) so I could go to them all!  

I hope you all are looking forward to this week as much as I am!

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew