Putting her best foot forward again and again.

The great American middle-distance runner, Steve Prefontaine, once said,

Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run. I like to make people stop and say, “I’ve never seen anyone run like that before.”

And so I have embarked on a challenge that will cause people across Glasgow to yelp, “I’ve never seen anyone run like that before”; less because of the beauty of my running and more because of the pain and anguish in my eyes, the flailing of my limbs and the wheezing of my chest.

Running for Refugee Week walking tours

From Monday 7 – Sunday 13 May I will be running one 10k every day. That’s 70k (or 43.5miles) in one week which, for a woman familiar with running only one 10k a year, is no mean feat.

The money I raise through sponsorship will go towards Scottish Refugee Council’s My Glasgow: Walking Tours – three unique walking tours of Glasgow that will led by women from refugee backgrounds during Refugee Week.

The seven runs will take place in seven different parts of Glasgow. In each part of the city, I will visit groups and projects involved in Refugee Week, find out how their preparations for the festival are going and learn a bit more about issues facing refugees living here.

Pain, sweat and aches – but for a good cause

When I agreed to do the challenge I thought it would be relatively easy. 10k’s not that far, right? Last week I ran one 10k, could barely walk the next day and three days later could only muster the strength to run 3k. This challenge is going to be considerably harder that I first thought.

But I am well equipped to conquer it!  I have the will-power, determination and ruddy-mindedness; I’m ready to embrace the pain, tears, sweat, aches and blisters; and I’m looking forward to celebrating community groups, meeting new people and experiencing the joy and relief.

Go on, donate to support our walking tours

All I need now, of course, are a few more generous onlookers to donate a little to the cause. You can become one of these generous people by donating on my giving page.

Thank you.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew