A destitute man c.Kuzma/ iStock
Many people seeking asylum in the UK are left destitute

Did you know today is the UN’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This day has been a feature of the UN’s calendar since the first day it was held in Paris in 1987 – 100,000 people assembled to declare that:

Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty.”

This powerful message has inspired millions around the world to mark the eradication of poverty as a global priority every 17 October.

Not a distant issue – on our doorstep

Because the ultimate goal is a global one, it is easy to look at the issue in the context of faraway lands and crises viewed through a television screen. However, today in Glasgow there are people who are faced with the imminent threat of poverty as severe as anywhere else.

While we can take it as a point of pride that absolute poverty is a thing of the past in Scotland, the destitution refugees face demonstrates that this is not the case.  Stark findings from the recent report from Scottish Poverty Information Unit (PDF) reveal the truth about refugee destitution in Scotland.  Researcher Morag Gillespie says it’s the most extreme poverty she’d seen in 10 years of research.

The threat of destitution looms large over many refugees in Glasgow – particularly for over 20 families being served with eviction notices in Glasgow today. Their support has been withdrawn and these eviction notices mean they face homelessness just as winter begins to set in.

People who are refused asylum in the UK are told they must return home – but it’s not as simple as that. For some, the only route may be through a war zone. Many are simply not able to get travel documents from the country they fled – the UK Government cannot return them. Others are caught up in bureaucratic delays, or still fear for their lives if they go back.  They are left in limbo in the UK.

Stop destitution – sign the petition

Though some poverty still to be eradicated is distant and difficult to solve, there is something you can do right now today to help stop refugee destitution happening in Glasgow.  

We don’t want money; we only want you to sign the petition to change the law forcing people into a life of limbo, uncertainty and destitution.  Find out more about the campaign and sign the petition.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew