Committee Skills Workshop Nov 2011
Sharing ideas and building skills

Sharing knowledge and experience in the first of our Training Skills Workshops for Refugee Community Organisations

Since joining the Community Engagement Team, undoubtedly the most inspiring part of my work has been getting the chance to meet and learn from the people who play an active role in their Refugee Community Groups (RCOs).

The work of refugee-led community groups can include everything from organising social events, drop-ins or information sessions for their members, to raising awareness with the public and policy makers about issues affecting refugees.

Getting feedback on community group issues that matter

In a difficult financial environment, it’s the determination and commitment of community group members that keeps this work going. We ran an event for groups in September to find out about groups’ challenges, needs and ideas. Many people talked about needing to keep their groups strong as different members come and go. This feedback was key to planning our Training Skills Workshops programme.

Lively discussion and important issues raised at our first workshop

Thank you to everyone who came to our first workshop on Committee Skills Training. The room was full of debate and discussion that came from participants’ experience and raised lots of questions that not all committees have to consider, e.g. how do you organise info for committee members who speak different languages?

Good to meet you – come along to our future workshops!

After listening to communities we have designed a training programme that should help community groups meet their goals.  We’re holding more workshops that will cover treasurers’ skills, funding, event planning and more. We would like to encourage anyone who is a member of a refugee community group to come along. Whether you are an experienced committee member, or someone who would like to be more active in your group, these workshops can offer a chance to develop your skills and meet other people. We hope to see you there!

If you’re interested email us or call 0141 248 9799.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew