Volunteer hands in air

People volunteer for all kinds of reasons. For some people it’s to learn about issues they know little of. For others it’s a burning desire to make an impact in their city. Increasingly for young folk like me, it’s to build experience that could lead to a job.

It is for all of these reasons that I made moves last year to volunteer with the Scottish Refugee Council, joining the communications team to work with new-media.

Eight months later and I am delighted that to report that the experience has taught me more about the third-sector, asylum issues and digital communications than I could have hoped.

Why give up your treasured time?

If you join the Scottish Refugee Council you will not be a tea-maker, a filing-cabinet filler or an office-sweeper. From the word go you are part of a team that treats you like one of them.

You feel valuable because you are. With 43 staff and 67 volunteers the organisation simply wouldn’t run without people like you.

We have people helping with fundraising, policy, communications, integration and of course working face to face with refugees and asylum seekers. Whatever you do, you’ll be helping some of society’s most vulnerable.

I’m sad to be leaving an organisation that has given me a foot-up in the world of charity communications. But they’re not getting rid of me quite yet as I’ll be back to join in with Refugee Week Scotland 2012 – starting with King Creosote’s gig on 18 June.  Don’t delay, get your tickets!

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew