Ellen congratulates Claire – silent auction bid winner from Refuge Week Scotland. Iman Tajik (c)

Ellen Wilson, Funding development volunteer

I started volunteering with the funding development team a couple of months before the big event of the year – Refugee Week Scotland. Leading up to the opening night concert, the office was buzzing with excitement, not to mention nerves as well!

Things money can’t buy

One of the main fundraising events our team was working on was a silent auction, with the theme being “Things that money can’t buy…” This meant that we had some really unusual and desirable prizes to auction off.

Author Karen Campbell was donating her time and expertise to a wannabe writer by offering to read the first few chapters of an unpublished manuscript – an incredible opportunity that most would-be novelists would dream of. In the lead up to Refugee Week I contacted writing groups, libraries, and anywhere I could think of that aspiring writers might be found to let them know about the prize.

The other lots we had on offer included football goodies, dinners out, collectible music memorabilia and even the opportunity to make your very own whisky blend. (I think my other half is still hoping I bought it for his birthday. He’s going to be disappointed!)

Spreading the word

As well as the interest we had created by contacting all sorts of potential bidders prior to Refugee Week Scotland, during the week itself we were able to get out and about to speak directly to the public. We had a stand at The Tron Theatre (complete with eye-catching helium balloons) where we let people know what was on offer, and handed out flyers with all the information. It was great being able to pique people’s interest with the wide variety of prizes to be bid for.

Raising vital funds

My first Refugee Week Scotland as a volunteer was busy and rewarding. I got to meet so many new people, from other volunteers to all the people I chatted to at The Tron. Most importantly, we raised funds for the ongoing Refugee Assistance Appeal – raising money for emergency payments for destitute asylum seekers. 

What you can do

Help us make basic rights a reality. Donate some time volunteering, donate a skill or donate whatever you can spare to our Refugee Assistance Appeal.

Help us raise £10,000 for immediate, urgent payments for destitute asylum seekers. Donate today.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew