back of a woman standing in front of clouds c.UNHCR Isabel

As an organisation rooted in human rights our commitment to ending violence against women and supporting important campaigns like 16 days is obvious.

But what is sometimes less visible is the individual dedication of our staff and volunteers across the organisation, who not only support equality as one of our core values, but work endlessly to raise awareness, challenge barriers to equality and offer support, advice and access to essential services.

Ending violence against women starts with you and me

Whether it’s writing to your MSP or writing a blog, raising awareness in all its facets, including through research, and importantly empowering women by providing needed advice and support in addition to breaking the silence and giving voice to their issues, the importance of individual action can never be underestimated.   

And, as reaffirmed in so many of our 16 day blogs, men also have an important part to play.  I am proud to chair White Ribbon Scotland, a global campaign of men and boys committed to taking action to stop violence against women.

Continue the campaign

Over the course of the 16 days we have been able to shed light on the experiences, concerns and aspirations of refugee women and those working to improve the lives of these women.  Perhaps the experiences have been new to you or an all too familiar reminder of the harsh reality that women fleeing persecution in their own countries experience when seeking protection in the UK.  Regardless, as our 16 day blog draws to a close, my hope is that it’s not the end of your individual campaigns to end gender persecution and violence against women. 

Hopefully this is the beginning of something greater that inspires you to take action, whatever it may be, and to continue to support this worthy cause in your own personal way.


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew