
Over the past few weeks we have been touched by people’s generosity and kindness. Lots of you see that refugees are human beings who find themselves in impossible circumstances through no fault of their own.

People all over Scotland are coming up with creative ways to fundraise to support our work with refugees. And we just had to share some of them with you. 

Take The Scottish Tourism Alliance which is taking part in the #OneHoursPay appeal. They are encouraging their colleagues across the industry to donate an hour’s pay to Scottish Refugee Council.

We’ve also seen individuals creating fundraising campaigns on crowdfunding websites, like David Harrower and Alison Peebles. The pair are asking people involved in the Scottish theatre sector to donate the price of a theatre ticket to support us.

A couple in Glasgow, who wanted to help refugees, have requested that guests attending their 25th wedding anniversary party should make a charity donation instead of give presents.

There are also a number of people who are raising funds by taking on the Great Scottish Run in October. If you’d like to be part of it, you still have a few days left to register a place. Registration closes on 22 September.

And we cannot forget to mention the many of you who are supporting us by donating on our website and proudly wearing our ‘Aye Welcome Refugee’ t-shirts.

However you have helped, we want to say a heartfelt thank you.

Feeling inspired to organise your own fundraising event? Check out our fundraising pack. Or you can talk over your ideas for fundraising with Kirsty on 0141 223 7921 or email us.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew