Aye Welcome Refugees 1
Some of the lovely people at Scottish Refugee Council modelling our t-shirts

Thank you!

Scottish Refugee Council would like to thank all of its supporters for their recent generosity and kindness in response to the refugee crisis, which has seen unprecedented numbers of desperate people fleeing war and persecution.

Harrowing images in the media – notably of the tragic death of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi – have catalysed the public, and there is clearly a will to help refugees. There has been fantastic recognition of the fact that refugees are people who find themselves through no fault of their own trapped in impossible circumstances.

We have heard from an amazing number of you calling, requesting t-shirts, and donating money – all of which helps us work towards the safety of people in urgent need. We ask you to bear with us whilst we do everything we can to respond to your messages and queries.

The support, including emails and calls, from people wanting to help has been incredible. We have been taken aback by the number of orders for our ‘Aye Welcome Refugees’ t-shirts, and have had to restock with a number in three figures to meet the remarkable demand.

People have left us some lovely comments of encouragement, with many asking how they can help. If you visit our ‘How you can help’ page, you’ll find plenty of information and ideas about how you can support refugees in the short and longer term.

It hasn’t just been our office where the phones have been ringing off the hook. Many of our friend organisations have reported the same – and a fantastic number of grassroots groups and projects have sprung up. The flourishing of compassion has been a real pleasure to see.

Glasgow Housing Association announced yesterday that it would be pledging £5000 to kickstart an aid mission to provide a shipment of clothes – donated by people in Scotland – to greet refugees as they arrive in the Balkans.

Individuals across Scotland have been making an impact, with projects like Slings for Kos. The project, started by two Glasgow mums, is appealing for people to donate baby slings and carriers to send to Kos in a bid to help destitute woman carry their children.

Collections for Calais have sprung up all over Scotland, with many donations going to help people stuck there get through the harsh winter ahead.

Support has also spread to football games. Fans at Hampden Park watching Scotland’s football match at the weekend displayed their support, holding aloft a banner saying ‘Refugees Welcome.’

The Scotland Sees Syria vigils taking place this weekend will be great meeting points for people who care about the plight of refugees.

However you have helped and however you continue to help, we give you our wholehearted thanks. Your collective kindness and support make a world of difference at a key moment in our human history.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew