
Campaigns and appeals

Campaigns and appeals
Forced to flee all you know

Ever wondered where refugees come from and which parts of the world offer sanctuary and safety to them?

Campaigns and appeals

Why not make volunteering one of your new year’s resolutions? Read the account of one of our volunteers.

Campaigns and appeals
Seeking shelter

Homelessness and hunger is all too common for people in the asylum system. Let’s change this in 2011.

Campaigns and appeals
Making the hidden visible

Human trafficking is a horrific but largely hidden crime in Scotland. What can we do?

Campaigns and appeals
Inspiring women

Our blog series promoting 16 days of action has been both sobering and inspiring.

Campaigns and appeals
We all have a part to play

Ending violence against women starts with you and me, writes our Chief Executive John Wilkes.

Campaigns and appeals
Making our voices count

The importance of ensuring refugee women have a voice.

Campaigns and appeals
End prostitution now!

Rather than being the oldest profession, prostitution is the oldest oppression. It’s time to end it now.

Campaigns and appeals
Into the unknown – starting over again

Stella, from East Africa, now volunteers at the British Red Cross. She shares her experiences in this blog.

Campaigns and appeals
The Postcard Campaign – Govan and Craigton Integration Network

GCIN launches their postcard campaign, highlighting experiences of women seeking asylum.

Campaigns and appeals
Challenges, solutions and future hopes

Ilana Bakal, clinician at the Medical Foundation, contemplates obstacles and solutions to ending violence against asylum seeking women.

Campaigns and appeals
Believe her!

It’s time to break the silence – women seeking asylum must be empowered to tell their stories and need to be believed!

Campaigns and appeals
Safe from harm?

Once in Scotland women fleeing persecution in their home countries feel they are safe from harm – though often it’s not the case.

Campaigns and appeals
Are we listening?

The voices of the women and girls who have survived gender related violence must be taken into account in Scotland.

Campaigns and appeals
Leaving – the logical, impossible option

How do you leave an abusive situation? A difficult question to answer.

Campaigns and appeals
Getting the facts straight

Violence against women is common – and yet it is sometimes forgotten how very vulnerable migrant women are to violence.
